E-FórmateList of Accredited Institutions

Education Quality Accreditation Commission



The Education Quality Accreditation Commission has established two ways to consider and list an accredited or certified institution of education.


OPTION 1. The EQAC Accreditation Process.

Any educational institution that intends to earn the accreditation status from the Education Quality Accreditation Commission must demonstrate compliance, through the application for accreditation (Self Assessment Report), with the education quality standards set forth by the Education Quality Accreditation Commission.


OPTION 2 - EQAC Equivalent Accreditation.

Institutions of education holding an accreditation that may be considered equal or superior to the education quality standards set forth by the Education Quality Accreditation Commission may be included in the list of EQAC Accredited institution upon request from:

  • A professor from such institution of education.
  • A graduate from such institution of education requesting a degree validation diploma.
  • The qualifications from a member of the commission EQAC.

In any case the Education Quality Accreditation Commission must conclude an assessment about such institution of education. The cost of this evaluation may vary depending on the complexity to estimate the equivalency of the accreditation status.

Click here to verify the requirements to be included in this list.


The Education Quality Accreditation Commission is an excellent opportunity to contribute to the global establishment of world wide accepted education quality standards. If you consider that you may join the Education Quality Accreditation Commission in any of the above described categories, you should write an email to the EQAC Secretary with your request. The EQAC Secretary will coordinate all the administrative requirements.






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